Kilah Terrell Nmtcs

Monday, September 18, 2006

Podcast questions.

1.What is a podcast? A podcast is a web based audio broadcast that the internet provides.
2.How might a podcast benefit you in a classroom environment where there is no books?It is easier, because you can record your voice about your homework assignments instead of writing it.
3.Whats the difference between a podcast and a tradition radio?The difference between them is that you can't record your voice on a radio, and you also can't put your voice on the internet.
4.What is RSS, XML/what is a news aggregator? A RSS is any XML file that's information is subscribed on the internet. A XML is a document that allows you to design a markup language. A news aggregator is the total or amount pf news.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Brain Food Questions

1. Quotation to live by:Treat others the way you want to be treated. 2. Books on my night stand right now:Ghost sitter. 3. Favorite authors, fiction:Deborah Gregory 4. Favorite authors, nonfiction:Garnet Nelson Jackson 5. Favorite beach reading:The cheetha girls 6. A book that influenced how I live my life:Manaic Magee 7. TV show I'm not ashamed to admit I watch:Spongebob 8. TV show I hate to admit I like:The big comfy couch 9. Movies I love so much I've watched them more than twice:Don't be a menace and Cooley high 10. Web sites that I visit and 11. If you turned your radio on right now, it would be tuned to:Wire 96.5 12. Magazines I read regularly:Word up and jet 13. Favorite types of music:Hiphop and R&B 14. Last concert/performance attended: The hoiladay jam 15. Recording I play when my soul needs a lift: Chris Brown16. A freshman that I admire: My cousin Robbie 17. Living person I'd most like to join for dinner and conversation:Chris Brown 18. Deceased person I'd most like to join for dinner and conversation: My cousin Black19. Heroes from history: Martin Luther King and Phillis Wheatly 20. If I had the power to order all of the Philadelphia region to read one book it would be:Manaic Magee21. And here's why Because its spirt lifting, and it kind of based on real people.

Reflections on advisory photo project

I think that the pictures are too dark, and sometimes blurry. Some of the pictures were shot wrong, they were ever to high or too low, and I think some of the peolpe who take the pictures are the problem sometimes.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"The life of Tamia Marshai Johnson"

Kilah Terrell
"The life of Tamia Marshai Johnson".

My name is Tamia, and this is how my life began. My parents were in colledge when they met they really liked eachother, and they been dating ever since. One cold fall night on October 16 1991 at France called Tracy. I also have 4 uncles who shall remain nameless. My mother was born from my grandmother Mary Mintz who is still living to this day. My family is christian , but we don’t go to church. I lived in Onley for all my life on Spencer st., there is a problem between me, and a girl named Arena around my way, to me and my best friend Wisline she is two faced.I knew Wisline for 10 years I don't remember how we met. I am 14 years old, and so far I haven’t had any serious accidents that are needed to go to the hospital for, I also don’t have any allergic reactions, but I think that I am allergic to mosquitos. I last attended Thomas K. Finletter middle school, and I think I miss it. I am in highschool now in 9th grade in New media tech highschool, and I don’t have a crush on any of the boys in my school, I have a boyfriend any way named Ellwood, I like his personality. I only have 2 grandparents my grandmother on my mothers side, and my grandfather on my fathers side. I have only one role model in my life, and that is Alicia Keys, I don’t want to be like her I just enjoy her singing, I have a famous relative that I know of, but I don't know his name, he's a actor, and have appeared on the Bernie Mac show, and much more. So that is the life story Tamia Marshai Johnson.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

1. newmediaenglish
Digital Literacy Questionnaire
Top of Form 1Bottom of Form 1

Kilah Terrell
9/5/06 9-5 is a social bookmarking, social software service. It's free and you don't need to install a disc or download anything on your computer to operate it.Find out what you can about then answer the following question:1. How could be beneficial in a project based learning setting like ours - a setting where students gather, share and compile datafor projects and classroom activities? I think delicious can also be used in educational purposes as if good, or fine like you could say learning is delicious.
2. Are there any advantages to typing and posting your class assignments to a blog, or would you rather write your work with a pen and keep it in a notebook?Explain your answer in three or more paragraphs. The advantages of typing, and posting the assignments are that typing is easier than writing, because writing to much messes up my fingers I get marks, I’m not saying writing is bad, because if I have to write I will do it. I am use to writing, but typing is so much easier, and better, and I’m glad this school gives me the chance to do that. I would rather type then work in a book, because I type much faster than I write, and my writing isn’t all that neat. You can also know when you make a mistake on the computer so you can correct your work. You don’t get that tired working on the computer as fast as you do when you are writing.
When you use the computer instead of writing you have more information, and it’s just so much easier, but there are also some disadvantages like the computer might freeze up, or the internet might not work. So it’s also good to write to especially if you don’t have a computer, or it doesn’t work. There are disadvantages to both typing, and writing, like your pencil might break, or your hands might hurt. Typing, and writing are both good to use, but I think computers are easier to use. I also think homework is easier to get at the blog page.
Sometimes the blog page is kind of hard to get your homework from, because it’s hard to find the information. The blog page is a good way to get your homework instead of copying it, because the teacher might erase it to fast, and you might not have it, and can’t complete your assignment. The advantages of the blog page is you don’t have to copy, and you can get it wrong, because you didn’t write it you copied, and pasted it. So if I had a chose to pick between writing, and typing I would pick typing like I said before. That’s my opinion between writing, and typing.
3. What is skype and how does it stack up against Vonage and Verizon as a telephone service? Skype is a free phone service that cost less than Verizon, and Vonage, and can call all over the world for 1 cent.
What is a wiki and how might you use a wiki in a project based learning setting? Wiki is a encyclopedia that can help you find out anything in the world, and you can use Wiki in a project so you can find out any information you want.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fly squad

Kilah Terrell
Oyekammi Falode
Thomesha Davis
Danyell Branch